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Empowerment Through Witchcraft


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Empowerment Through Witchcraft

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Embrace the Power of the Witch to Transform Your Life

Extensive and thought-provoking,
Empowerment though Witchcraft is for witches like you who seek to go beyond the basics and use their skills to elevate their spiritual practice for inner growth and enlightenment. Featuring more than thirty spells, rituals, and meditations, this book helps you awaken to your true purpose and live a fully conscious life in alignment with your will.

Linda Murphy, PhD builds upon the traditional tools of the witch to revitalize your Craft, celebrating the sacred Wheel of the Year with a focus on inner and outer mastery. You will learn to connect more deeply with the ebb and flow of nature, draw down the sun, moon, and stars in all their phases, attune with familiars, and invoke the deity within. By exploring these great mysteries of witchcraft, you will grow into your most powerful self.


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    High quality, energetically cleansed crystals. Sourced by us and lovingly sent to you.

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    You are always welcome to message us and pick your own stones via video call if you cannot make it to our store.

    Empowerment Through Witchcraft

    Empowerment Through Witchcraft
