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Pussy: A Reclamation


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Pussy: A Reclamation

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Author, educator, and School of Womanly Arts founder Regena Thomashauer has been working with women for the past 25 years. What began as just a few women in her living room has since grown into a global movement with thousands of graduates worldwide. In her New York Times bestseller, Pussy: A Reclamation, she reveals what no one taught you about the source of your feminine power and how to use it. This power is the part of a woman that she has been taught to ignore, push down, and despise. Indeed, the word that most viscerally sums it up is arguably the most powerful pejorative word in the English language.

Like any expletive used effectively, the title of this book is meant to be a wake-up call. It is a reclamation, in a world that desperately requires the feminine. Readers learn the secret ingredient every woman is missing; how to crack the confidence code; why sex appeal is an inside job; what's ahead on the next frontier of feminism and how they can help make it happen; and much more. By turns earthy and erudite, passionately argued and laugh-out-loud funny, Pussy delivers the tools and practices a woman requires to do and be whatever she wants in this life. It's a call for her to tune in, turn on, and not drop out but live more richly, fully, and lusciously than she ever thought she could.


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Pussy: A Reclamation - Knight Inspired

Pussy: A Reclamation
