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Knight Inspired

Organic Sage Smudge Wand: Medium

Organic Sage Smudge Wand: Medium

Regular price $24.00 NZD
Regular price Sale price $24.00 NZD
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Cleansing + Clarity + Peace

Please note as each batch is super organic and original the colours, shapes and quantity of each smudge will differ slightly from the photo. 

Lavender: A natural calmer and relaxant, attracting vibes that allow your body and mind to relax and ease into life.

White Sage: A powerful cleanser, removing all that does not serve you and your space. It removes bacteria from the air and purifies it. 

Seasonal Flowers: For smells, feels and good vibes.

Homegrown in NZ made with love and ritual. 

Your Medium smudge will be around 12-14cm tall and intuitively chosen from what is available. Please note as we get these in batches they will look as similar as possible to the photo.

All aspects of this stick have been produced with love, intension and gratitude in an organic family home.

Information that has guided the ceremonies has been based largely from Native American writers.

There is a lot of literature on this, many people smudge in many different ways. Below is how I started to smudge and you can use it as a guide however feel at ease to do what works best for you.

Smudging is an ancient practice of cleansing; it replaces stagnant, unhelpful energy with energy that you require, offering space to find balance, gratitude and calm.

Smudging can be a potent ritual and should be done with care, reverence and an attitude of love and respect for mother nature.

It is important that all smudge sticks are organic, spray free and sourced ethically to ensure the balance of nature is upheld.

1) Be mindful of fire hazards at all times- this stick will catch on fire, be ready to blow the fire out and allow the smoke to go to work 

2) Find a fireproof bowl or Paua shell (to catch the ash), light a candle (you can use a lighter if you don’t have a candle but it can get hot). Use the flame to light your smudge stick it may take a little time to get it on fire.

3) As soon as the stick is flaming blow it out so it’s smouldering (smoking), but be careful not to blow ash everywhere.

4) Start with intention, clearly stating (in your mind if you feel more comfortable) what you plan to achieve and call upon the spirits of the sacred plants to guide you.

5) Don’t rush just be in the moment thinking about your intention, the beauty of the scared herbs and nature. Fan the smoke towards your heart then circle the smudge stick around the top of your head, move the stick down your body, allow the smoke to move around you and towards the sky. Move the smudge stick over your arms and down your body to your toes whilst still focusing on your intention. Repeat as many times as you feel the need.

6) Repeat this process on anyone else in the room or house if possible.

7) Then if you wish; cleanse your space. Start in the centre of the space and move in a counter- clockwise motion, leaving a door or window open so the energy (and smoke) can escape. Repeat as many times as you see suitable. I cleanse our family home at least once a month and the individuals who come here very regularly.

Suggested Prayer: “Into the smoke I release all energies that do not serve me, I release my blocks, I release the worry, I welcome creativity, I welcome peace, I welcome fun, I welcome being”

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